
A worthy woman who can find? For her price is far above rubies. Prov. 31:10 ASV

LSLC has a woman's group called OWLS, which is an acronym for Older Wiser Lutheran Sisters.

All woman older than 21 are welcome and encouraged to attend. OWLS is held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10:00 am.

Our activities vary from month to month. Sometimes we meet at a restaurant for breakfast, or we may meet at church for breakfast and a project. One of our projects was Alzheimer's Mats that we designed, sewed and donated to a memory care facility. We also do various projects at the church that need to be done. It's much more fun to do things with a group of friends! Please consider attending, we would love to have you!

Location/activities are printed in the bulletin as well as Β the calendar on the web site (hover the cursor over the OWLS day and the location and activity will pop up).


